Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to get rid of acne blemish

« ...• Ground nutmeg mixed with milk that has not been boiled applied on the affected area may remove the zits without any mark....
...When looking around online you'll soon find plenty of websites promising to be the miracle acne cure, if only you spend hundreds of dollars each year on their cleansers or special pills......»
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«...Every acne sufferer in the world wants to find the best cure for pimples. Many of us search the Internet high and low but to no avail. We try all the latest over the counter products that come onto the market, but most of them over promise and then under deliver. We spend most of our free time thinking of new ways to cure our pimples, so much that it practically controls our lives. Sound familiar? Thought so. I was exactly like that a few years back, but fortunately for myself I'm not like that anyway, because I luckily many years ago I came across many cures for pimples, and I found the best one! And fortunately for you, I'm going to tell you what the best cure for pimples is. So you don't have to go through the same experiences as I went through for many many years....»
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tags: home remedy facials for acne, ortho tricyclen cause acne, how to remove dark acne spot on my back

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