Saturday, September 27, 2008

How to cure cystic acne

« ...There is one point you should always remember, herbal remedies shouldn't be used to treat life-threatening injuries. If you experience severe, sudden symptoms like breathing difficulties, chest pains, vomiting blood or extremely high fever, consult your doctor immediately. Keep in mind that most medicinal herbs aren't meant to be taken for long periods of time. The vast majority of medicinal herbs can be quite useful for curing short-term ailments, like acne, but can become toxic if used longer than directed. In a word, don't use the herbs very often; it may be toxic if you treat it improperly....
...Perhaps, one of the most pressing concerns for acne sufferers is the possibility of scarring. In more severe cases, permanent scars can be left behind. To minimize the occurrence of scars, it is advised that you do not try to pop or force your acne away....»
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«...It should therefore be logical to address the problem on both fronts in other words the oil and the bacteria. Gentle cleaning of the skin is important to remove some of the oil and some of the bacteria. Tea tree oil is a good substance to use to address both problems. If you decide to use a skin cleaning substance it is very important that you ensure it is not going to dry or irritate your skin as that would just make things worse....»
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tags: does tea tree oil get rid of acne, health experst top adult acne treatments, acne scar cream recommended

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