Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Body lotion with milk and honey, scars from acne

« ...Acne is a very common problem faced by our society today, it starts showing during our early years and it lasts all the way into adulthood, this means that this skin problem is not exclusively seen in teenagers but in adults as well. There are many factors attributed to be the causes of acne however they haven't been 100% proven, the factor that provides the right conditions for acne flair ups to occur is a change in hormonal activity. During puberty it is very common for hormones to go wild and cause all sorts of changes in our body, including the undesirable acne. In adults the same principle holds true but this problem is mostly seen in women who are going through their period, those who use a certain brand of cosmetics or those taking birth control pills....
...Acne scar treatment can be done using the fresh juice from lemon. Lemon is natural bleach that effectively works on the skin. This is best for slight skin discolorations brought about by acne scars or by the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. Although lemon juice may not completely clear your skin from acne scars, it may, however, improve the appearance of your skin as well as the scars. Since lemon juice is acidic and may dry up your skin after prolong use, try to combine it with fresh milk to have that added natural skin moisturizer. This would leave you with a soft and supple skin and clearer skin as well....»
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«...Fluctuating hormones can be the problem. Doctors do not really understand what causes acne; they do know that increased androgens are a factor. During menopause, you do experience a change in the estrogen-androgen ratio. In studies, women with acne have higher levels of androgens than women with no acne. Likewise, women who had acne as teens often get it again at midlife....»
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tags: tips to help cure acne fast, how the cure acne at home, acne pregnancy

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